Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, September 29, 2008

Waiting is so hard

I'm dying to see our little one on the 8th, I can't wait to see the baby's little heartbeat. I really want to find out if we are expecting more than one this time. I'm so excited to show the ultrasound pictures to Hannah, she knows that we put our baby in Steph's tummy but she's already getting a little impatient...she wants the baby to come home now and she only wants the baby to be a girl. We've talked a lot about how the baby needs a long time to grow and get strong before he/she can live outside of Steph's tummy. We've also talked a lot about how we can't choose if the baby will be a boy or a girl and she will love the baby no matter what. She says she will love the baby but she only wants a boy if it comes with a girl. It will be so nice when we know the sex of this baby so we can help Hannah adjust.

I just noticed that the floating baby in one of my tickers has a heartbeat now...that is so cool!


Sarah Andrews said...

Oh the waiting is just nutz isn't it? We had our first u/s at 5 weeks 4 days and saw the heart beating away! So your ticker is right now track!

Anonymous said...

I just found your Blog and am so excited to share this journey with you.

I'm a wannabe gestational surrogate in the process of getting started, so I'm loving reading blogs by both GS's and IP's!

I wish you all the best on your amazing journey!!
