Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

PBO (Pre-Birth Order)

I just received our PBO in the mail today....YAY!!! The PBO is a legal document, signed by a judge. It states that Darin and I are the legal and biological parents of both Ella and Emma. This document ensures that the hospital will recognize us as the babies' parents and will allow us to take full responsibility for the babies once they are born. It also ensures that mine and Darin's names will be directly put the on Ella and Emma's birth certificates. This will make things a lot less confusing for the hospital staff too! Yay, that's one more thing crossed off my list...we must be getting closer!!!


Cyn said...

Yeah!! I know I breathed easier once we had the PBO in our hands!!

Sanda said...

Congrats on your PBO! A great big thing to check off the To Do list!! :)

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Congratulations - one less thing for you to worry about -I don't know how you keep it all together. We love you.

Steph said...

Just got my copy in the mail also! Was wondering if you received yours. I feel like I can relax now. Well, I better get packed just in case. Then we are good! :)

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Horray!!! That must be a big weight off your shoulders.

Do you have much left to do, or you just about ready?

MyLifeMyWorld said...

April 14th

Hey just wondering how everyone is doing?? I know each day this close to the end is crucial and so I wanted to let you know I've been thinking of ya!