Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, October 23, 2008

9 Weeks

I don't have a book about twins but I read my singleton pregnancy book this morning and here are a few things happening with our babies this week. The babies are nearly an inch long — They are about the size of a grape(that is so tiny still)— and they weigh just a fraction of an ounce each now. They are starting to look more and more human(which is evident in my baby ticker, those babies are so darn cute). Their essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. The babies hearts finish dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do their tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Both babies organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. Their external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks...darn I really want to know now!

The most exciting thing happening this week is our ultrasound tomorrow so be on the watch for new photos of our twins!


Sanda said...

Yay for 9 weeks!! Can't wait to see new pictures!!

Sarah Andrews said...

I will be thinking about you tomorrow Melissa! I can't wait to see how your babies have grown! Happy nine weeks!

Cyn said...

I can't wait to hear today's update! Seeing your babies on screen is always exciting-no matter how often you get to see them (one of the perks of twins is frequent ultrasounds)!

GibsonTwins said...

I just found your blog through another multiples blog. If I may, I would recommend the book Twinspiration by Cheryl Lage. It is the ultimate can't-live-without book for parents of twins. If you want to check out her blog it is:

Congrats on such a beautiful family and being able to add two new little ones to it! My twins are b/g and are now 2 yrs old.