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Friday, October 31, 2008

Let's Celebrate!!!

Steph is finally done taking her shots!!! Last night was her last dose of Delestrogen and Progesterone...YAY!!!! This is huge...Steph has been on the injections since August 25th. She had to take the progesterone injection every night and the Delestrogen injection every Monday and Thursday. These hormone injections sustain the pregnancy until Steph's body realizes that it's pregnant and takes over on it's own...which happens around the 10th week of it's a lot of injections. Her behind is very swollen, bruised and sore. We are just so happy to be passed this big milestone in our pregnancy!


Cyn said...

I can't believe she's off them already! It seems as though you all just transferred!

That is a huge milestone!!
I hear she's craving a good burger :)

N said...

That's wonderful! I was so happy too at that point, because it is terrible to think of someone else dealing with those shots every day for us! Congratulations!

Sarah Andrews said...

Congrats! I too think that this milestone has come quickly! You are almost into the second tri! hooray!

Anonymous said...

Yes Cyn, I am totally craving Fuddruckers!! And I may just have to drive the 2 hours to get it! LOL!!!

Kristy said...

Yay Steph - I remember doing a happy dance on the day I could stop injections too! Its totally worth it though, of course :-). Go get that burger, you deserve it!

Congrats to you, and Melissa,Darin, Hannah, and Olivia for getting to this big milestone! Hooray!

Sanda said...

That is a great milestone! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

YAY :-))) these are fantastic news :-))) and a great milestone!!!
