Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have not been getting very much sleep the past few nights, you would think I was the one pregnant tossing around from all the aches and pains but aches and pains are not my's my overactive mind. I wake up almost every hour to create a new list. Lists of things to buy (for every child...believe it or not Olivia needs the most stuff...a new bed, new bedding, a mattress,..ect), things to paint, things to organize and so on. I'm seriously feeling overwhelmed right now and way behind. Darin keeps telling me to calm down because we have 12 weeks still to get all of this done but that just makes it worse. 12 weeks sounds like nothing to me and having him act all cavalier about it makes me feel like he's not taking it seriously. I need him to be motivated right now. We only have 12 weeks left if our perfect plan of 38 weeks actually happens. We weren't going to start to paint Hannah and Olivia's room until the 27th but we are now starting tonight. I just feel a need to start getting things done. I'm going out today to buy the paint and some hangers too. Time to start organizing all our baby clothes. This just sucks, I really need my sleep now because I'm definitely not going to be getting any in 12 weeks.


Cyn said...

Sleep is so overrated, says the woman who sleeps all day.

It's got to be exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. 12 weeks doesn't seem very long to me either,however 3 more months does :)

Try to enjoy the process, it to is part of the plan!

Anonymous said...

Little Mama! Are you nesting? Slow it down! I am not ready!!! LOL. It will be ok though. I know you will get your stuff done that needs to be done.

Kristy said...

Melissa - don't worry and overthink! You are one of the most organized people I've ever met, it will all come together. Promise!
Are Hannah and Olivia going to be sharing a room, or moving into different rooms? Are Ella and Emma going to be sharing?
Big hugs to you all!! :-)

Melissa said...

Hannah and Olivia will be sharing a room for a few years until the twins are ready for twin beds. I don't want the babies to wake eachother up at night so they will have seperate rooms for about two years. Hannah is super excited to share a room with her sister.

Sanda said...

I know it will all come together and I can't wait to see photos! My goal was 2/15, but that has come and gone, so my new goal is no later than 2nd week of March :) But I understand feeling like there is an enormous pile of stuff to do! I hope the painting is going well!
I have been exhausted every night so sleep hasn't been an issue, and though I'm not usually one to like to take anything if I don't have to - it's times like that when I'd turn to the Tylenol PM (little blue friends) :)
I hope you are able to rest soon!

debbie Joiner said...

I'm sure you are overwhelmed. Who wouldn't be. I'm adding to my twin things to bring everyday (mostly cute clothes). If you need us, we can get to your house earlier than planned. I agree, our baby girls will be here before we know it.

Love, Mom

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I'm like you and stress affects my sleep, whereas my husband can sleep through anything. Some nights I have to read a boring book just so I can get my mind off of Real Life stuff.

I did find it helps to have it all out on a list, write every little detail out of the things you need/want to get done...that way your not up all night thinking, what do I need to remember, what do I need to already got it there.

Then each day try to tick off one thing, or each week aim for 5 things, or whatever so you have a nice plan on how it's all going to play out.

I can imagine the stress you have building up, but you still got 3 months, that's pretty good, and enough time to buy it all and put it all together. Have fun with it, enjoy this time too, afterall you don't get many opportunities to this sort of stuff.

Hugs, and best wishes for a good rest tonight.

J and D said...

I do think you have 12 more weeks. Take one step at a time and you will get it all done. You have one thing already going for you. You are a great mom and you know how to change diapers in your sleep already.

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Calm down sweetie. Things will happen just the way they were meant to. You don't have to have everything perfect - believe me, they won't mind - your love is what they will need and you need your rest to give all that you have. You are the most motivated and caring parents I have ever seen. Don't blame Darin for being calm - he is trying to calm you down. It will all work out. See you in two weeks and we will get all that needs to be done finished. Love you all.