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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ultrasound - 26 weeks 6 days

We are back from our trip to IA to see Steph, Ella and Emma today! Everyone is doing great! Ella and Emma are getting so big! We got to see both of their faces really well, so cute!

Steph is looking great, I don't know where she is hiding my babies! Here she is at 26 weeks 6 days with my twins! She's measuring 29 weeks! She is having some problems with her feet though...bad swelling. Dr. Richman's not too concerned, he wants her to majorly increase her protein and no more salt at all. I think we should all let her know how beautiful she looks and also how amazing she's doing carrying my twins!
Here's Hannah touching her sisters!
Here's a 3D photo of Ella's face! She is our big baby right now weighing in at 2lbs 5oz. Her heart rate was 130 BPM! She is measuring exactly right at 26 weeks 6 days!
Baby Ella's foot!
Baby Ella's profile!
Here is Baby Emma's face! We didn't get very good shots of her today, I have a few others but you really can't see anything. She's measuring a little small but nothing to worry about, 26 weeks even. She weighs 1lb 15oz! Her heart rate was 144 BPM!


debbie Joiner said...

They both look perfect. I'm getting so excited. You and Darin must be thrilled. So happy to hear that our girls are doing so well. Love, Mom

debbie Joiner said...


Thank you so much for taking such incredible care of of my beautiful Granddaughters. I had swelling with my first pregnancy. Processed foods (canned soups,boxed rices,boxed anything) have so much added salt. I was not allowed to eat any fast foods or boxed foods with my pregnancy with Melissa (no swelling) Bottom line the salt is the problem, and it is in everything processed or bought at a restaurant. I'm sure your Dr. will advise you. Thank You Again for being the wonderful woman you are. Love, Debbie

Cyn said...

Honestly, the water intake will make a huge difference. As long as the swelling is just in her feet, it's not really a concern- a discomfort for her, but not worrisome. Daily foot rubs will help them to feel better, even if it doesn't help the swelling to go away.

Sanda said...

Yay for a good ultrasound! Looks like everyone is doing great!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Yeah swelling seems to be pretty common especially with twins. Take it easy, elevate your feet often and try not to worry.

The babies look just beautiful and perfect, and Steph, your looking awesome!

J and D said...

You look wonderful. I am so amazed how well anyone can do carrying twins. I like Cyn's advice daily foot rubs. And the ultrasound pictures look great. I wonder who they will look like. What an exciting time for everyone.